View Full Version : Syntax in debug to turn off auto-power on

03-13-2006, 05:16 PM
The auto-power on drives me nuts... I see it in the debug printout I did, but can't seem to get the syntax right.

This is a 4100, any ideas?


03-13-2006, 06:38 PM
Not on my 2200 list.

Post the complete help line on it, I may be able to help.

And if you would please send me the complete list of commands for the 4100 to my email, copy and paste as text. Would like to see what the different between the two.

03-16-2006, 11:33 AM
notice in Bios Flags it has the auto(reboot) I am assuming that is the power-on if power is lost...?

cd [directory] (like DOS or UNIX cd)
wdir [path]
QDL Quick Dir Lookup (QDL HELP for more info)
acl (access contol list backup and restore commands)
bios Flags (display bios flags)
[+|- Auto(reboot)] [+|- Broadcast] [+|- Promiscuous]
Lock (Lock the EEProm)
Unlock (Unlock the EEProm)
Flup [T=>TFTP, B=>Broadcast]
International enable/disable language choice
Model Model-Number
OEM [1,2,3,4,5,6 or None] (OEM support)
Pci (show pci devices)
device registers)
PlatformBytes Platform Major Minor
Version (show platform bytes)
CCR (show processor CCRs)
bkplane-SN get (displays backplane serial num)
set backplane serial num
HardwareVersion (Write HW Version For BackPlane)
(Read HW Version For BackPlane)
PowerStatus (Get Power status from backplane)
FanStatus (Get Fan status from backplane)
HDDStatus (Get HDD status from backplane)
config cmos dns ddd.ddd.ddd.ddd (DNS Server IP Address)
serial-no (serial no/default/hex4th-hex5th-hex6th chars of ethernet addr)
smtp-address ddd.ddd.ddd.ddd (SMTP Mail Server IP Address
codepage number (set codepage)
devices automount enable|disable (Auto-Mounting of devices at boot)
config (individual/mirror/span/raid/xtra (=spare)) [dev,...]
format dev [label ["comment"]] [/reinit [/nocore]] (format an unmounted device)
fsck dev [[/fix /fixfatal /altsb]] (check device's filesystem)
small SizeInMB dev0 ... devN
info (same as "info devices")
mount [dev] request to mount one or all devices
predict (individual/mirror/span/raid) [dev,...]
resync dev
testparity dev
unmount [force/dev] request to unmount one or all devices
http enable/disable
port port
mailaddr add FATAL/ERROR/WARNING/RETURN address (add mail address
default (set mail addresses to default)
del mailaddr_handle (delete mail address)
set handle F/E/W/R [address] (set mail address)
ncp alternate_server name (set an alternate Snap server name for NCP)
backup enable/disable (TSA backup support)
sap SAP Support Level
hopcount Hop Count
usercount User Count
nvram daemons number
fsync enable/disable (filesystem fsync support)
fullFS alert (alert when filesystem is more than this percent full)
raid cache size (set raid cache size in MB)
threads count (set raid thread count)
resources filename (set alternate resources file)
smtp port port to send email msgs through
snmp info displays SNMP information
ip-addrs ddd.ddd.ddd.ddd ... (sets up to 4 SNMP Trap IP Addresses)
sntp ip ddd.ddd.ddd.ddd sets time server IP Address, enable SNTP
disable disable SNTP
info displays SNTP information
freq update time interval in seconds
diag hirez [test calls]
dhrystone [test runs]
debug access-test full_path [user] [at_host]
alloc failures Nth (Causes every Nth Alloction to fail)
buf [verbose]
dumpcore dump core
heap [Free/Alloc/Queues/Trim/Summary] display heap
log clear [Permanent/Temporary] (clears event log)
testError minNum
minNum maxNum
mail address [msg] [subject] (send mail; send test mail if 'msg' not provided)
mbuf [verbose]
memory displays current memory stats
monitor info
ADM1024 [HexData]
nfs [reset] (displays [resets] nfs statistical info)
procs timers stop [timers start|stop|print]
sdb dump handle [recurse] (dump sdb objects)
stats volitile/non-volitile/both
validate repair
timers (enumerates timers)
ui flags clear (clears the entire UI blob in sdb)
diskexam DumpLabel raw-device
DumpPrivate raw-device
DumpFS raw-device FS#
DumpCG raw-device CG#
DumpInode raw-device inode#
DumpDir raw-device sector#
DumpSector raw-device sector#
ethernet Fullduplex enable/disable
speed [0=auto/10/100/1000] (get/set ethernet speed)
TBI enable/disable
ide 48bitLBACounter get|reset
fdb [all/summary/credentials/files/id/cache]
hosts {name} [IP/MACHINE/USER {ip/name} [{pwd}]]
info cmos (values stored in cmos)
datetime (Current date and time)
devices [logical/physical/partition [id]]
groups [group_name]
ip (find a computer by ip addr)
log (Display event log Try info log help)
mailaddr (Mail Addresses)
maps (http mappings)
mimes (mime types)
mounts (currently mounted shares)
name (find a computer by name
ncp (ncp information)
logins (users currently connected via ncp)
nvram (values stored in old nvram structure)
panic (last system panic information)
shares (currently defined shares)
smb [connections] (current smb info)
users (local users defined)
nfs [name]
logged-on users currently logged (in sdb))
xobjects (Externally Authenticated Users and Groups)
thermal (Dump thermal monitor state)
java Run Java class with arguments
snaplet count (Return count of existing Snaplets)
instances (Return count of instances of Snaplet)
info get (Return Snaplet info by ID)
set (Set Snaplet run-type, user, passwordinfo by ID)
index (Return Snaplet info by index)
id (Return Snaplet ID from index)
create (Create Snaplet)
start (Start Snaplet)
stop (Start Snaplet)
jvm engine enable/disable
license {ADD/UPDATE/INFO} [{id} [{key-high-mid-low}]]
ram (megabytes of RAM for JVM process)
stack (Kbytes of RAM for JVM stack)
ssl on/off
sdb [save|dirty|bu [now|restore|delete diskId|mm/dd/yy hh:mi periodHrs]
smb smb commands
statd (Display or release locks monitored by statd)
ip ddd.ddd.ddd.ddd (Show locked file(s) held by client at ip addr)
hn hostname (Show locked file(s) held by hostname)
fn filename (Show locked file(s) on specific file)
simu_crash (forces locks to be re-established by clients)
tcp window window size for tcp packets
dir [path]
ls [dirname]
reboot [# of secs] (reboots system)
rm path
mv old-name new-name
md path [RASHa]
rd path
power off (turn off the power, where supported)
fsacl get [pathname]
fsckmode dev (read current mode)
mode (set mode: 1-10)
quota switch dev (get current setting)
get dev uid (get current settings)
defaults dev (get default block and i-node quota)

03-16-2006, 12:00 PM
You may need to enter "bios unlock" first.
Then "bios flags -auto"
Then "bios lock"

Be careful with this section.
Here is were users changed the machine ID'd, didn't get it changed back before a auto reboot. Now the units are door stops.
I know when you do certain functions the unit goes into a reboot. This flag may stop that.

03-16-2006, 12:06 PM
probably won't mess with it then, no big deal was just annoying me.

03-16-2006, 12:19 PM
David - Is that any/much different?

Cause if so, ill add it to the wiki

03-16-2006, 12:21 PM
looks the same as the one on wiki