View Full Version : Snap Server 2200 Disk Format Issue

04-18-2006, 10:55 PM
Hi, I've got a Snap Server 2200 I picked up at auction that had a broken RAID 0 (striped) due to a failed drive (drive had been pulled from the unit leaving only one 80GB drive). I've repaired the broken stripe with a reconfig to JBOD and am now attempting to upgrade the unit to 2x300GB. I left the 80GB drive in place (disk 1) and installed one of the 300GB drive sin the disk 2 postiion. However the 300GB drive is formatting to only 128GB. Specifics of the 2200 are:

SnapOS: 4.0.860
Hardware: 2.0.3
BIOS: 3.3.705

From the other threads I am lead to believe this 2200 should handle a 300GB drive so I'm a bit perplexed. Any info on why the disk is not formatting to the full 300GB would be most appreciated. Thanks, BDK

04-19-2006, 08:37 AM
You will need to enter "ide LBA48bit reset" from debug, to turn on large disk support. With a 80gig in position 1, it did not activate LBA48bit. Then "co de format 10010 /reinit"

Then swap drive positions. Put the 300 gig in top (10000). It should put the OS on it. Then replace the 80 gig with a 300 and see what happens.

04-19-2006, 09:39 AM
Hi blue,
I thought you might answer this one - thanks. Unfortunately the 'ide LBA48bit reset' command was not found. The only ide command option was 'ide 48bitLBACounter [get|reset]'. (I tried the reset option but the disk still formatted to 128GB - no surprise.) Next steps? Could it be that the 300GB disk has to be in position 1 for large disk support to be enabled? Thanks, bdk

BTW - As I think you mentioned in a post on another thread the OS is installed on both disks with the 2200 so I had actually already disconnected the 80GB disk and booted with only the 300GB (in position 2) with no problem. BDK

04-19-2006, 09:58 AM
Yep, that was the ticket. I moved the 300GB disk to position 1 and executed 'co de format 10000 /reinit' followed by 'reboot' from debug. When the 2200 rebooted it reformatted the 300GB disk to 284GB. Thanks for you help on this one! Best Regards, BDK