View Full Version : H2O Cooling Guide- Liquids @ AMDMB

08-09-2002, 01:53 AM

I thought this was a nice article detailing the different properties of water-cooling liquids and some of the things one must think about when choosing a liquid: viscosity, specific heat, corrosion, "bugs." The article also covers exotic fluids for chilled liquids; he concludes "Methanol/Water 33:67 ratio" (windshield washer fluid) is the best for sub-zero cooling.

08-09-2002, 10:40 AM
Nice job, myv65. Were you inspired by our recent discussions?:D

08-09-2002, 07:47 PM
Originally posted by bigben2k
Nice job, myv65. Were you inspired by our recent discussions?:D

LOL, Actually the article was finished a long time ago. Just needed to work through the final edits and formatting with Ron Goldin at AMDMB.

The next one is where the fun really starts. . .

08-12-2002, 05:45 AM

as far as additives went, I thought you might be interested to look over this.


I found this ages ago and found it quite interesting. In particular, a possible increase in thermal conductivity of up to 40% for a ver small addition of copper nano particles.

Having read your article, I think this would be a great help in conducting heat through the slow moving barrier at the interface between the water and the copper.

I don't know if anyone is producing the technology, but I could see it dropping temps another couple of degrees!:D