View Full Version : Diode Calibration and CPU load tests

05-19-2003, 01:39 AM
Turns out I do a bit more than just complain about the state of hardware websites. I also from time to time do a bit of bench testing. I decided to put together a summary of my journey towards getting a properly calibrated AMD diode. Not sure many will wish to try this at home. Of more interest to you guys may be the performance of several different CPU loading programs examined with a high resolution.

Check it out here! (http://www.procooling.com/articles/html/amd_thermal_diode_testing_cali.php)

Next step is getting voltage and current readings from the chip when it's running.

05-19-2003, 10:12 AM
Very cool article.

It's amazing to see that you can, to some extent, tell what is going on in the CPU by measuring its temperature.