Also Mad Hacker, your use of worm clamps bothers me. I never found them to hold very well, I use all wide band spring clamps in my rig, before that zip ties(zap straps same shit), before that worm clamps. Each one has been a step up for me. Recently I've been playing with a bundle of Clearflex I got (I'm used to just normal vinyl) and if I strech the 1/2ID tube over 1/2" copper pipe, about 1/2 to 3/4 inch onto the pipe, I litterally cannot pull it off - I pulled until the tube began to strech. Then wedged a small screwdriver in and pried it off. If you just put the clearflex on normal 1/2 OD barbs it hold pretty good and you kinda gotta twist it to get it off, but with the spring clamps it's stayin' put :P
I like the idea of a level switch regarless of your tubing, but having shit pop off is NOT cool. If you're not already using Clearflex or Tygon, get on it. Maybe look at getting some better clamps too, the one I bought were like $4 USD for a 10 pack of clamps at McMaster, though it looks like you need a lot, it would still only run you a few bucks.
"mooooo" said the cow.
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