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Unread 07-16-2003, 09:11 PM   #55
Cooling Savant
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Location: Purdue University, USA
Posts: 141

A lot of people here are comparing pot to alcohol, its side effects, potential risks, etc. Heres the deal: if I got out to a public place and have, lets say, two beers with dinner, I'm the one consuming the beer. As the alcohol leaves the container, it enters straight into my body. Not the case with pot. If you smoke pot in public, then other people around have to deal with the smoke who may not want to. Some people say its a violation of thier rights not to be able to toke it up. Well it's a violation of my rights if I have to inhale your smoke unwillingly. Well then you say, lets only legalize and say you can only smoke in private places. Then there will obviously be problems with people disputing what is public etc etc.

I will never smoke pot because I have no interest in it.

Thats my .02
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