Limeygreg: I think a good self-tapping screw would do the job quite nicely, and the threads would be pretty jagged because self tapping screws aren't exactly meant to be taken out.
Now this turbulence adding is all fine and dandy for the water inlet/outlets on the sides (presuming we're using the cross rilled style talked about earlier), but what about adding the turbulence to the smaller holes? Would it be dangerous to use self-tappers for such small holes (breakage)? What about one cross drilled hole being the same diameter as the inlet/outlet channels, to allow for more flow over the core, like this: ...O... We could then tap that centre channel too.
The problem with cross drilled blocks is usually you don't have the water comming in right over the core. Only way to do this with a cross drilled I guess would be to have two outlets and one in, like in the image. Or would i be correct in assuming that most of the flow would go through the small channels in the centre instead of all around the block. If anyone can't tell i'm a big advocate of low-flow, only because of my rad ;]
oh yes, btw, ph33r my 1337 ansi skillz