Newegg is my first online vendor choice. They have a solid reputation. I just received a new mobo and cpu from them.
I did order a retail cpu from them and they sent me an OEM, but I could care less. If I really cared, I could have called and they would have rectified the issue without any question.
I love Newegg. A+ shop if you ask me.
Redhat 8
Gigabyte GA-7dpxdw+ w/dual modded AXP 1800+ CPUs running at AXP 2000+ speed
1 512 meg crucial ECC DDR 2100
1 512 meg Infineon PC2700
Sblive Value
Geforce 4 Ti4600
Deskstar 60 gig drive
(1)K4.1 waterblock (.5" barbs)
(1) Maze 3 waterblock (.5" barbs)
Black Ice Rad
TopFin 250gph pump
1/2" OD Vinyl hose (yep, vinyl)