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Xtreme Cooling LN2, Dry Ice, Peltiers, etc... All the usual suspects

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Unread 01-02-2006, 03:25 AM   #1
Cooling Neophyte
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Hallo.. Case moding Project..

hallo... I'm new to this forum.. and kinda new to pelt's and stuff too.. so after alot of googling and reading.. I figured out that I just as will should post some here.. just to be sure.. (yes I feel that everything I do can go wrong.. and I'm a realist.. cough)

anyways.. here is the thing.. I'm going to get myself a new case.. for my computer.. and I'm going to use peltier and somekinda watercooling system to make it all work... somehow.. soo... I need you people to help me out with some calculations and and tips.. ect.

My case is at the moment just a project.. that hasen't started.. its still on the paper.. so at the moment it is around 500mm high and long.. and 250mm width(yeah.. yeah.. my english isen't perfect..but you'll probebly understand ) and I'll be using the top of the case to cool down the pelts.. in other words at the moment the big thing that is going to cool down the hot side of the pelt is.. 500mm long and 250mm width.. number of fin's is around 16.. and they are going to be from 15+ mm high.. thats the idea.. at the moment.. the case itself is in alu. and will have plexiglass as a secound layer outside.. to insulate some.. might have more.. how knows...

Please look at the picture's.... (nice paint pictures!! )

1st issue.. is how big should the Pelts be? (in Watts)
2nd.. how big should the big copper thingy that cools down the hot side of the Pelts be?
3rd.. should I use Methanol or just water with anti freeze stuff in it?
4th.. anyone got some tips with the cold air --> frost -- WATER!! thing(?) so that I don't need to buy new stuff everytime I let the computer stay off for more then 1 min..? (maybe I'll just put some legs on the case and have the pelts on the bottom.. of the case with a hole in the alu so I can see when I need to dry the case... )

at the moment thouse are the most burning questions.....

pic info...

pelt 1: red thing on the top is the cooling copper thingy for the pelt.. and the 2 yellow thingys are the pelts.. I'm going to have some silikon(don't know any english word.. its so I don't get any water problems..) around the pelt.. and then the dark blue is a "small" box where the water and stuff is going to be cooled down.. this box is going to be inside a bigger box.. witch is going to cool down the air.. (I have a neat system for that)... o.. the very ligth blue color is the air inside the big box.. its going to have some big holes on one side where the air comes in.. and small holes all over the bottom so that the (hopefully) cool air comes out..

as you can see the secound thing is.. how the top is going to look like.. well.. atlast so far on the paper... witch by the way is going to be screwed to the other side of the pelt..(in a way..)

then its just the little box where the liquid(sp?) stuff comes in and goes out.. the red dot is where it comes in.. and the green is where it goes out... and that long thing in the middle is some copper that is going to stop the liquid(sp?) stuff from going right in and out again.. (it has to go around)

case1: ok.. this is somehow how its going to look... at last how it looks on the paper... the gay coloer(I can't remember the name of) is the copper on both side of the pelt..(the copper on the cold side of the pelt is not on the other picture.. I forgot it.. ) anyways.. that is how I'm going to make sure that its under pressure... and the two small thingys in the middle of the copper is the pelts and around it in a very nasty green color is the silikon thingy.. and the light blue color is the liquid part.. box.. thats also in copper... and the yellow stuff is air..yup.. its my little air "system".. and the green stuff at the bottom is 120mm fans..

note......... should I put fans on the top of the case? I really want it to be as silent as possible.. but if I have to do it I will do it.. and if your wondering about the air system.. its just a plate that the air is going under.. and some fans that "pumps" the air around.. (fan -> behind the MB and all the other stuff -> cooling box -> main room -> fan.. and so on..)

and I'm going to make it as air tight as possible.. rubber around everything that goes out of the case.. so that as much air as possible stays inside.. and I don't want the air inside the case to go under 5*C thats not healthy for my HDD's.. some paper tells me.. but if possible the liquid stuff can be.. -xx for all I care.. as long as not everything around it freeze's..

when thinking about it.. I might get the chance to make my own power supply for the pelts at school.. and probebly some electronic stuff to show how cold it is.. and to steer the pelts IF something goes wrong.. going to take it out of one of the 5.25" bays(if thats what they are called..) with USB, Firewire, floppy, sound, mic, LED pwr, LED hdd, on/off button, restart button and maybe some more..

can't really remember if there was anything els.. so just ask if there is anything you people want to know.. and thanks for the help (if I get an..)

soo.. is this a good Idea at all....? (and my english is a little rusty.. so sorry about that... and that russia program diden't help me much.. got a little confused yesturday.. but that might have something to do with me not sleeping at all since early morning the day before.. (was awake from 11 in the morning the 31st.. to around 1800 on the 1st..

happy new year...

edit.. damn it.. pictures!!
edit nr. 2: uhmm.. about the pictures.. 1 pix = 1 mm.. like.. the case is around 500pix on the pictures.. and in real life they are going to be around 500mm.. if you know what I mean

Edit: ..uhmm, nobody? guess I'm not so patience... can you people(gays/girls.. and maybe something in the middle :P) tell me if I'm somehow right about this... acording to geek.com a p4 2800mhz with HT uses 69.7 Watt.. hmms.. hmmss.. wondering if these people think I'm not seriuse... waiting unpatient............
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File Type: jpg case1.JPG (60.3 KB, 14 views)
and I must be an acrobat
to talk like this and act like that
and you can dream so dream out loud
and don't let the bastards grind you down

CPU: socket 478 p4 2.8@3.36hz (multiplier x 14.0, FSB 240.1Mhz, 960Mhz) 512kb cache
RAM: TwinMos PC3200 DDR 1GB(512x2) CL 2.5
MB: Asus P4C800
GPU: Radeon 9800se 128mb
Monitor: 19" CRT Syncmaster 957P
HDD1: WD Caviar 160GB PATA 8MB
HDD2: Maxtor Maxline Plus II 250GB SATA 8MB
HDD3: Maxtor Maxline III 300GB SATA NCQ 16MB

Last edited by Bobbla; 01-02-2006 at 01:14 PM.
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Unread 01-02-2006, 05:01 PM   #2
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Default Re: Hallo.. Case moding Project..

well I have looked into what you are going to do alot as I once thought that it was a project I wanted to do. First off one thing you might want to consider is water cooling the hot side of the peltiers because it will allow them to be alot more effective and will decrease then number of them you need. Although if this is not an option then I would suggest that you use as large of a heat sink as possible. The next thing that I would suggest is that you dont worry about coolling the inside of the case but only the water running through your loop because this will greatly reduce the watt load on your peltiers. To do this just insulate the heck out of all the tubing and and water res. That way you also wont have to worry about making the case air tight or insulated.
On to your questions, you will need around 600 or 700 watts of cooling power to keep your water at sub zero temps. This means that your peltiers will draw around a total of 40 amps at around 16 volts. Thus making a dedicated powersupply needed. next like I said before make the heatsink for the hotside of the peltiers as large as possible as about 900 or so watts will be entering it. Pesonally I would use anti freeze but I have seen other people use other stuff too though. finally frost is the enemy it will break things, so insulate the tubes, the water blocks, and the res. Any other questions? Good luck man you will need it.
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Unread 01-02-2006, 08:16 PM   #3
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Default Re: Hallo.. Case moding Project..

ok... why 600-700watts? isen't that alittle much? I'm only making the computer cold.. I'm not freezing the hole thing down...

hmm.. I'm only a poor student.. maybe not poor.... but I don't go to the toilet with nothing and come back again with cash....

I was just thinking that if I could cool down the temp. in the main room.. where everthing is including my HDD's.. it would be good... you see.. the way I want the case to be build is to weld all the sides togather and some other things.. so it will probebly be very air tight.. if I don't make any holes in it...

andit would be nice if also could get the noise down.. personly I sleep right next to it.. and its on 24/7.. not that I can't sleep with it on at the moment.. just that other family members a floor down complains... but soon that won't probebly be any problem.. since I probebly have to move out of the town next school year..

soo.. at the moment.. I think we should try to stay under 400 Watts... so I don't have to live on a person's garbage for a year..

hmm.. going to make another case... design.. just in case... but I got to ask.. why do you think it will take 6-700 watts? I mean.. the water running slowly in side the container.. and should be quite cold..... and I'm stil just getting confuesd with that russia program.........

hmm.. I could always just put hugh opnings on the bottom of the case to get ALOT of air go inside.. and then just have the same on the top.. + HUGH Radiator on the top.. with... lets say 4 120mm fans.. if I use quality fans from papst.. and my own fan control.. (pot.. transistor.. temp. sensor.. a couple of resistors.. coparator.. LED.. and power...) just as easy to as making as a pelt controller... but with a high current transistor... or something like that... ^^ maybe make em go parallel... cough anyways.. the idea on this one.. was to make air go tru the hole case.. and just put a pelt on the cpu with a coldplate and water cooling... radiator on the top of the case with 4 120mm fans..

but in the end.. I will hopefully just have good cooling system.. and hopfully not one that is sucking to damn much power... gah.. I'm soo hungry.. can't think strigth.. going to get some food

EDIT: cough.. made a new little thing.. its not air tight at all.. and it will give my HDD's plenty of air.. and hopefully it won't worm yp the air before it comes to the Radiator...

ok.. lets see.. on the bottom we have the cold water.. and hot water.. with Pelt('s) in the middle.. the way I will do it is that I have a copper box with water in it.. and then I will have plexiglass around it again..and I will have holes for the peltier in the plexi.. I'm not really sure about how to get some presure on it.. but I'm working on it...

and then we go up to the HDD's... I will have plenty of holes infront of em.. where plenty of air will come in.. and then it will go out again tru one of the big fans up by the radiator.. or down by the PSU.. the way I see it the the air comes in.. and goes out again... now.. lets see.. is the radiator big enough you think? do I stil need like 600watts? come on people.. give me some hints..
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File Type: jpg Case3.JPG (34.3 KB, 4 views)
and I must be an acrobat
to talk like this and act like that
and you can dream so dream out loud
and don't let the bastards grind you down

CPU: socket 478 p4 2.8@3.36hz (multiplier x 14.0, FSB 240.1Mhz, 960Mhz) 512kb cache
RAM: TwinMos PC3200 DDR 1GB(512x2) CL 2.5
MB: Asus P4C800
GPU: Radeon 9800se 128mb
Monitor: 19" CRT Syncmaster 957P
HDD1: WD Caviar 160GB PATA 8MB
HDD2: Maxtor Maxline Plus II 250GB SATA 8MB
HDD3: Maxtor Maxline III 300GB SATA NCQ 16MB

Last edited by Bobbla; 01-02-2006 at 09:30 PM.
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