I have set up a public image server for this forum.
FTP into
ftp://ftp.imagesite.ihelix.net:2100 and create a folder. Name it your Pro/Cooling username. In there you can dump your pics.
Now when you post, have your IMG tag point to
Because all access is anonymous there no renaming or deleting files or folders already up there. If you want something deleted PM me.
IF YOU ARE USING INTERNET EXPLORER: Dont right click and hit 'new folder', it will make a 'new folder' which you will not be able to rename. Instead make a new folder on your desktop, name it, put files in it, and drag it into the FTP site.
EDIT: My port 80 is blocked, I have movied it to port 85. Edit your posts to use http://imagesite.ihelix.net:85
THE IMAGESITE IS TEMPORARILY OFFLINE. I apologize for the inconvienance. It will be back in a few days.